Haus of Owl’s Code of Conduct

Respect for Diversity

Haus of Owl seeks to promote full inclusion of all members and groups in every aspect of community life. Diversity – in terms of race, sexual orientation, creed, color, sex, gender identity or expression, age, ancestry, religion, physical or mental disability, veteran status, marital or domestic partnership status, socioeconomic background, and other protected characteristics – is a source of strength for the community, and contributes to Haus of Owl’s positive creative environment. We do not tolerate any discriminatory and/or harassing behavior based on protected characteristics, and will take immediate action to end a hostile environment if one has been created, prevent its recurrence, and remedy the effects of any hostile environment on affected members of the community.

Respectful Communication

As artists, we strive to maintain the highest level of effort and investment in our work. Members of the Haus of Owl artistic community are committed to communicating in a manner that is respectful and that in no way discriminates against, intimidates, or harasses others, and treats the ideas, scholarship, and creative pursuits of others with respect.

Prioritizing Consent and Preventing Sexual Harassment

Haus of Owl prioritizes safety and consent in our community. We do not tolerate sex or gender discrimination, including sexual misconduct such as sexual harassment or sexual assault. Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to unwelcome remarks, questions, jokes, unwanted physical contact such as touching, patting, pinching or hugging. We have a resolution process that is complainant-lead where the complainant will have ensured confidentiality. We also encourage bystanders to also take on the responsibility to report these incidences if they arise in order to keep our community safe.

Respect for Peoples Rights and Dignity

Respect for the rights, and sensibilities of each member is essential to maintaining the spirit of our community. Actions that create an intimidating, threatening, or hostile environment are therefore regarded as serious offenses.

Creative Sensitivity

As artists, Members may be called upon to explore topics and practices that touch on deeply felt emotions and/or closely held personal beliefs; as a result, Members may experience upsetting reactions or feelings of interpersonal conflict. Members must commit to working through such conflicts and challenges with open and respectful communication, addressing the topics at hand while honoring the person-hood of all involved. If meditation is necessary please contact us.

Appropriate Use of Electronic Media

When acting as representatives of Haus of Owl, Members must be responsible in their use of social media and should not violate our Code of Conduct in their social media activities.

Thank you for collaborating with us to create a creative, uplifting, safer space. If you have any questions or would like to contribute feedback please email